Wednesday, January 5, 2011

HO last photos

I edited a few of these, so hopefully there aren't any duplicates.

And these are a few new ones. These are supposed to be stock photos. I think I like it better in color.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Honors Option: Recreate 2


This recreation was not one of my favorites. I love the magazine advertisement I found for Chanel N5. However, I don't think that I did a good job at portraying the same lightness and gentleness that the ad had. I think I needed to change the lighting, but everything I tried didn't work. Anyway, from my research on Chanel, it was created in 1909 and it is one of the most recognized haute couture lines in the world. The brand itself symbolizes elegance and status. My recreation was supposed to replicate the elegance as is shown in the actual ad. I think my version is a little too "rough" looking.

Again, for this photo, I wanted to portray elegance. The style of dress in the original ad really drew my eye, so I wanted to focus on that element for my recreation. I tried the dress with a green tone, however I think I like the black and white version better. Now that I look at it, the green is sort of competing with the yellow of the bottle. (And unfortunately I don't have a new bottle of the perfume, and I don't know how to make it look like it's full when it isn't.)

Here are a few others to add to the other part of the assignment. I chose Aveda lotion. There are several versions. 

For these I wanted to focus on the feet/legs and hands since the product is specifically for feet and hands. So, in all of these I either have the head/face partly or fully cut out. I think either the 2nd or 3rd work better than the first.

Thanks for your patience! And thank you so much for letting me do this!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Honors Option: Recreate

I decided to do recreate photos for Old Spice and an electric guitar. I still need to touch up these photos, but here are my favorites from my photoshoots.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog #25

I've been at MSU for 4 years and I've always admired some of the architecture/buildings that I've found around campus. So, i thought I would incorporate that into my photography project. My first thought was so make another building out of the cool pieces that I find. Then, I thought that might be a little complicated and sort of boring just building a house, so I changed it to be a perspective illusion. I think I want to convey how items/photos can be put together to form something else, a photograph doesn't just have to be a straight shot, it can be manipulated. I wanted my final project to be fun but also challenging. This is a challenge because of the difficult of finding the right place to place the photos to make the photo balanced and look good. I want to make viewers think about my piece. It will probably take someone a few seconds to realize what they are looking at, and wonder what it means.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Final Project Part 1

For my final project, I want to find cool architecture around campus and the Lansing area. Then, I'm going to compile my own building using part of the building that I photographed. I may also experiment with creating part of the inside of a building as well which maybe I'll include furniture. Although that depends on how much time I have and whether my idea of creating a building of photos will work.

Assignment 5 Critique Part 2

1. Scanned image: After talking about this idea in class and seeing some artists who used scanning in their photography, I really wanted to experiment with this medium. I started out scanning my hand while moving it. It turned out cool with my hand in an odd perspective. I also scanned my camera and few other items, but I ended up liking the image of my hand the best.

2. Narrative: I was doing homework all day, so when it came time to create a narrative, i figured something on doing my homework would really relate to my life. I already had my books scattered around, and then I just took photos as if I were studying. I tend to shift positions a lot throughout the day. And then I usually end up falling asleep.

3. Toy in Scene: I work in a really fun environment, so there are little trinkets/toys all over the place. The office "mascot" is a little fuzz ball. So, I took him and set up a scene with him in some confetti string and flowers. I wanted to experiment with different angles, and this was the one I liked the best. I think I do need to go back in and touch up some things.

4. Identity: This photo was a little challenging to compile. I wanted to show how I feel like I'm always running around/ I'm always really busy. So, I'm doing many tasks around my kitchen. I really need to work on the opacity of the different layers. I tried cutting out myself in each photo but that got really complicated and too time consuming. So, I still need to make a lot of changes to  this photo.