Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Assignment 5 Critique Part 2

1. Scanned image: After talking about this idea in class and seeing some artists who used scanning in their photography, I really wanted to experiment with this medium. I started out scanning my hand while moving it. It turned out cool with my hand in an odd perspective. I also scanned my camera and few other items, but I ended up liking the image of my hand the best.

2. Narrative: I was doing homework all day, so when it came time to create a narrative, i figured something on doing my homework would really relate to my life. I already had my books scattered around, and then I just took photos as if I were studying. I tend to shift positions a lot throughout the day. And then I usually end up falling asleep.

3. Toy in Scene: I work in a really fun environment, so there are little trinkets/toys all over the place. The office "mascot" is a little fuzz ball. So, I took him and set up a scene with him in some confetti string and flowers. I wanted to experiment with different angles, and this was the one I liked the best. I think I do need to go back in and touch up some things.

4. Identity: This photo was a little challenging to compile. I wanted to show how I feel like I'm always running around/ I'm always really busy. So, I'm doing many tasks around my kitchen. I really need to work on the opacity of the different layers. I tried cutting out myself in each photo but that got really complicated and too time consuming. So, I still need to make a lot of changes to  this photo.

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