Thursday, October 28, 2010

2nd part of statement -- Place

1. Old Town: For most of the class this was their favorite photo. They liked the changes I made to the sky. The lighting really worked, and the way each building was a different shade worked really well. The angle worked well too. To go further, people suggested to make it look more like an old photo to go off of the old town theme and make it look like a photo from when the building were first made. I guess I could do this with a light vignette.

2. Back street: This was the other favorite. I feel like it printed a lot darker than it was on the computer, but people liked the way it was dark and went to light. Plus, they liked the emphasis on the lamp posts and the back street. People commented that it was like a scary street that you want to pass quickly before you get to the bright side of town. One person said they did not care for the telephone pole that was in the photo. I'm not sure how I could take it out unless I chose a different angle. I suppose I could also try to crop it out.

3. garage: Everyone was happy that I made this one a diptych format; it was very affective. Maybe try a different angle. Other comments where that it had good repetition, great lighting, and had a good sense of loneliness to it. There was a suggestion to crop the left side in a little until the first pillar. As far as pushing it further, maybe just trying different angles.

4. private drive: Some people liked that I changed the foreground to be darker and lightened the background. It is the opposite of what is usually seen. However, some other people liked the fact that  you could see the car the house door in the background, and when it was lightened, that became a little difficult. To push this one further, people suggested that I make a collection of warning signs, which is definitely a good idea.

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