Saturday, October 23, 2010

Can you think of anything that...

1. Should not be photographed? Why?
I honestly can't think of anything that should not be photographed. Everything bad I think of (such as torture/violence, war, etc.) I would not want to see but the world should see it because everyone deserves to see and know about what is going on in other parts of the world. Actually, the only thing I can think of that should not be photographed are rituals or secret practices of certain groups. I've heard about these from movies and books, and photography should not violate people's rights to hold things private such as religious rituals. These would have to be things that people can only read about.
Everything else, like foreign scenes, and new discoveries all should be photographed for the present generation and for the future generations that will learn about it in history books.

2. Cannot be photographed? Why?
I think anything can be photographed, it just depends on how the audience interprets it. There would definitely be some topics that would be difficult to photograph, such as how the mind works/the thought process, but it's not impossible. I also think that feelings and beliefs would be hard to photograph but, again, would not be impossible.

3. You do not want to photograph? Why?
Things I would not want to photograph would mostly entail violence and war. I hate reading about these subjects in the news. I like to think that the world is a good and happy place, and reading all the bad things that are happening is depressing. Now, that may seem really naive of me, but "ignorance is bliss." Then, there would also be nothing that involves my fears such as sharks or snakes/creepy bugs. Most other topics I think would be interesting to figure out, as the photographer, a spin on the subject that will introduce the audience to a new way of looking at a subject.

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