Thursday, December 16, 2010

Honors Option: Recreate

I decided to do recreate photos for Old Spice and an electric guitar. I still need to touch up these photos, but here are my favorites from my photoshoots.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog #25

I've been at MSU for 4 years and I've always admired some of the architecture/buildings that I've found around campus. So, i thought I would incorporate that into my photography project. My first thought was so make another building out of the cool pieces that I find. Then, I thought that might be a little complicated and sort of boring just building a house, so I changed it to be a perspective illusion. I think I want to convey how items/photos can be put together to form something else, a photograph doesn't just have to be a straight shot, it can be manipulated. I wanted my final project to be fun but also challenging. This is a challenge because of the difficult of finding the right place to place the photos to make the photo balanced and look good. I want to make viewers think about my piece. It will probably take someone a few seconds to realize what they are looking at, and wonder what it means.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Final Project Part 1

For my final project, I want to find cool architecture around campus and the Lansing area. Then, I'm going to compile my own building using part of the building that I photographed. I may also experiment with creating part of the inside of a building as well which maybe I'll include furniture. Although that depends on how much time I have and whether my idea of creating a building of photos will work.

Assignment 5 Critique Part 2

1. Scanned image: After talking about this idea in class and seeing some artists who used scanning in their photography, I really wanted to experiment with this medium. I started out scanning my hand while moving it. It turned out cool with my hand in an odd perspective. I also scanned my camera and few other items, but I ended up liking the image of my hand the best.

2. Narrative: I was doing homework all day, so when it came time to create a narrative, i figured something on doing my homework would really relate to my life. I already had my books scattered around, and then I just took photos as if I were studying. I tend to shift positions a lot throughout the day. And then I usually end up falling asleep.

3. Toy in Scene: I work in a really fun environment, so there are little trinkets/toys all over the place. The office "mascot" is a little fuzz ball. So, I took him and set up a scene with him in some confetti string and flowers. I wanted to experiment with different angles, and this was the one I liked the best. I think I do need to go back in and touch up some things.

4. Identity: This photo was a little challenging to compile. I wanted to show how I feel like I'm always running around/ I'm always really busy. So, I'm doing many tasks around my kitchen. I really need to work on the opacity of the different layers. I tried cutting out myself in each photo but that got really complicated and too time consuming. So, I still need to make a lot of changes to  this photo.

Assignment 5 Critique Part 1

1. Scanned image: Most people didn't realize how I made this image. It is just a scanned image of my hand moving, but many people thought I had photographed my hand in water. So, it was suggested that I add bubbles in the photo to add more of an illusion.

2. Narrative: People liked the concept of these photos, but I need to change the contrast in the photos because they are too dark. Most of the group thought it would add to the photo if a change in time was shown. This could be represented in the lighting, a clock, or a change in the zoom/closeness to the subject.

3. Outdoor scene: Many people liked the image, and the cropping. The only change that was suggested for this image was to darken the flower with the burn tool in order to change some of the contrast. For a jumping off point on this image, someone noted that it would interesting to see the little figure in other spaces around my office (since this photo was taken in my office building).

4. Identity: This was a photo that does need some changes made. I need to work on changing the opacity of some of the layers in order to see the subject more clearly. But some people in the class could relate to the photo and liked the concept.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blog #24

A. 1. I can't seem to find the construction that I really liked that someone presented in class. There were "peeps" in the trees, then there were fake/created people made out of pipe cleaners, and there were real people/a family in the background. This one was a little bizarre but also very interesting to look at. Now, I'm sure there was some meaning behind the photographer's idea, but I tried to recreate a similar image for my assignment. At my work, the mascot is this odd fuzzball type guy. There is a replica of him in the office that is made out of styrofoam, googley eyes and these weird leafy things. Then, there is a separate plate in the building that has paper strands which I used at the grass. There are also feathers in the paper. So, I put these 2 things together and got up close to take the photos. This way it seems that the items are larger than they really are.
2. Then, I also liked the idea of Henry Peach Robinson of placing several images over each other. I also liked how he created him image based on a poem. I'm not sure what piece of literature or poem I would use, but I would like to experiment with placing several images on top of each other to get a "drawn" look.

B. I can't remember what number the blog was last time for this quesition. However, I think my idea is similar to what I previously though. Since I'm in advertising, I'm continuously looking for ideas of projects to try out and things i can add to my portfolio. So, I would like to do a "campaign", in a way, for a brand/company. So, this would include adding copy, headline/slogan, etc. However, this might be too much for me to do before the end of the semester. So, another idea might be continuing a series from one of my other projects from the class. Or, it would be interesting to go around to different buildings on campus and take pictures of the different architecture in each building. Those are my ideas right now :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Contemporary Photographers-- WAng Qingsong

This photograph entitled Debacle was created by Wang Qingsong in 2009. His thoughts for this piece were centered around humankind produce merchandise. He questioned whether "the world is what we make or we are what the world makes." For this piece he decided to collect as many advertisements as he could. Then, he reproduced the ads into hand writing which produced 3,000 pieces of paper. He then glued all the papers to asbestos tile. After waiting several days, he scratched off the layers of ads, which produced this worn looking piece. He liked the way it looked like an abstract painting when all of it was put together. He says "This process of production and destruction is like a game of building blocks. We like to build up something new and then we must destroy it for a brand-new style again. What a dilemma!"

Historical Photographers-- Henry Peach Robinson

This photo, entitled The Lady of Shalott, was taken by Henry Peach Robinson in 1861. It was illustrated after a poem by Alfred Tennyson. Robinson thought of everything for this photo. He created the barge, he set the model's hair, found the clothes, took the photo on a rainy day so the trees had a sadness to them, etc. Everything was to follow the poem. The only difference was the spelling of the title on the boat. When the photo was exhibited, people criticized that the model's position wasn't logical, that there weren't ripples in the water to show the movement of the boat...So the audience didn't understand that the photo was an illustration based on a poem not a realistic photo based on real life. After the reaction of viewers, Robinson realized that he did not succeed in showing a photographic illustration because the audience could not imagine it properly. It was believed at that time that a photograph must have a literal meaning. Robinson also realized that he should not create any more illustrative photographs. However his photograph "exemplifies the limitations of photography as an illustrative medium."

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blog #23

1. I'm not entirely sure what "construct" means in this sense. I don't really know how one constructs their identity. I think that people's identity is determined by their genes and by their environment. The environment in which one grows up plays a huge role in how their personality and actions develop. I'm not sure how I construct my identity now. Maybe it is the people I hang out with and the social environments I place myself in...

2. My social environments are constructed by the friends I hang out with and their preferences on where we should go/what we should do. Sometimes we do things because it will be busy and popular, other times I just hang out with a couple of friends and watch a movie. Everyone meets people in classes, or through other friends. Those people may become really close friends and you hang out with them all the time. Other times, you have one class with them and never see them again. I guess I "construct" my social environments because I choose what classes I take and when I take them. I also choose the people I hang out with and where we go to hang out. ''

3. My physical environment/space is getting pretty deep and philosophical...I'm not really sure what I do to construct either of these. Maybe this would include recycling and volunteering, both of which help the environment and help in a small way to make the world better/cleaner. I think this topic also goes along with going "green"; preserving energy. Although, I probably don't do as good a job in this area as I should, i try to turn out the lights when I don't need them, I don't leave the water running, I take short showers, etc.

4. I guess everything is constructed in a way. It depends on how you define it, but we choose to do everything/all of our actions. I guess something that would be real would be disease/death/illness. Getting cancer isn't exactly something that is constructed.

5. I think a social scene would be interesting. Such as friends going to a concert. It would be interesting to photograph it and create a story board narrative. Something that involved a lot of movement. Then, maybe it could be turned into a flip book or a short stop motion-type film.

6. Right now, school is a large part of my life, so maybe doing a miniature stage of the campus, or part of the campus, such as the Communication arts building since I'm there most of the time. I think it would also be cool to recreate local hangout places or places that I like to go in general. Examples, Comm. arts building, Grand River Coffee, Dublin Square, my apartment, etc.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Assignment 4: Popular Media


Blog #22

1. A series can be made in many different ways. I guess where the idea usually starts is with one photo that has a certain focus. Then, the idea is expanded in different senarios. For example, during the place assignment, I took a photo of a "private drive" sign. I could expand on this photo by creating a series of photos with different "forbidden" signs. Also, with the current assignment, advertisements, I could create a series by each brand that I use. Then, I think that a series can be represented in different ways. If they are all in a horizontal line then it creates a sort of narrative.

2. I would really like to practice food photography. I just don't know where I could photograph fancy/professional food. I'm not sure if there is a culinary major at maybe there is a kitchen somewhere on campus...? But food photography would be a really cool exploration.

Also, my major is advertising, so I might continue with this area, and do a series that I could eventually use in my portfolio.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog #20

1. News related--When I think of news related photos, I think of tragedies. This is usually in the national newspapers, not the local ones. They are in the newspaper to tell the audience about a certain topic, whether that is Peyton Manning throwing a game winning pass, Julia Roberts in a still photo of her upcoming movie, or of a soldier fighting in Iraq. They are about events going on in the world.

2. Snapshots-- They are usually candid. I think of movement, so maybe blurred photos from people moving without a fast enough shutter speed.

3. Ads-- All of them focus on a product or several for a specific company. For fashion-- usually a celebrity is wearing the clothes in a photo shoot that involves other props. Sometimes they are really bizarre photos of models wearing the clothes while moving, interacting with others, or posing. They are very sharp photos. Product photography usually involves an action of using the product that will apply to the audience

4. Film/movie stills --These usually involve a whole scene and other characters. They are rehearsed movements. There are a lot of factors that go into these photos--makeup, clothing, props, extras...

5. Yearbook photos-- yearbook photos involve a plain backdrop in order to focus on the subject. It is just the head/face and some of the shoulders. Senior portraits can be different. Mine involved outdoor and indoor photos. The indoor was a set, and the photographer would direct me where to sit and how to position myself. So, they are very posed, and usually all smiling.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

2nd part of statement -- Place

1. Old Town: For most of the class this was their favorite photo. They liked the changes I made to the sky. The lighting really worked, and the way each building was a different shade worked really well. The angle worked well too. To go further, people suggested to make it look more like an old photo to go off of the old town theme and make it look like a photo from when the building were first made. I guess I could do this with a light vignette.

2. Back street: This was the other favorite. I feel like it printed a lot darker than it was on the computer, but people liked the way it was dark and went to light. Plus, they liked the emphasis on the lamp posts and the back street. People commented that it was like a scary street that you want to pass quickly before you get to the bright side of town. One person said they did not care for the telephone pole that was in the photo. I'm not sure how I could take it out unless I chose a different angle. I suppose I could also try to crop it out.

3. garage: Everyone was happy that I made this one a diptych format; it was very affective. Maybe try a different angle. Other comments where that it had good repetition, great lighting, and had a good sense of loneliness to it. There was a suggestion to crop the left side in a little until the first pillar. As far as pushing it further, maybe just trying different angles.

4. private drive: Some people liked that I changed the foreground to be darker and lightened the background. It is the opposite of what is usually seen. However, some other people liked the fact that  you could see the car the house door in the background, and when it was lightened, that became a little difficult. To push this one further, people suggested that I make a collection of warning signs, which is definitely a good idea.

Written Statement--Place

1. Old Town: I think the composition of this photo turned out really well. I was a little worried how the angle would look, but once it was printed, I think it looks as if someone were taking the photo as they drove by. It was also a beautiful sunny day when I took this photo, so the natural lighting worked well. While I was walking around Old Town, I loved all the old buildings, which give the area its "antique/vintage" feel. So, I really wanted to capture this essence in the photo. It was also my first time in this area, so I had a great time exploring and seeing all it had to offer. The buildings were definitely my favorite part. This photo could represent historic issues. If it were compared to other parts of Lansing, one could see how much the city has grown and changed since Old Town was first built.

2. Backstreet: I was up really early one morning, and the back street behind my apartment had a certain feeling to it in the morning light that I wanted to capture in a photo. Plus, the fall trees that lined the street looked gorgeous (even though you can't tell in the black and white photo). I took several shots of the street and some included cars that went through the intersection, which I ended up liking. Once I turned it black and white, the light poles and stop light became the main focus with their blindingly bright white. I think they had a great contrast with the darkness of the trees and the street. Not to sound morbid, but I suppose this picture could represent death in a way. In that everyone says you head towards the bright light. Since the photo goes from darkness towards bright white, this might work.

3. Garage: When we had the prompt of a change in time, for some reason I thought a car garage would be a really neat representation of this. So, I decided to go early in the morning when there would be no cars and in the middle of the day when it is most popular. It was hard to get the angle the same, however I like the angle I got. I didn't want it to be a straight-on shot, but I do wish I had experimented with the angles just to see what would have looked better. Maybe this photo could represent something psychological, such as being really lonely/depressed compared to having a busy life.

4. Private drive: This photo was also taken in Old Town, and my intention was to have a play on the sign "private drive" by using a large aperture to make the background out of focus. I made some changes in Photoshop to emphasize the out of focus background. This might represent political issues because of warnings for people to stay away from our country or for our country to stay out of other countries. (that's a little far fetched...)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Can you think of anything that...

1. Should not be photographed? Why?
I honestly can't think of anything that should not be photographed. Everything bad I think of (such as torture/violence, war, etc.) I would not want to see but the world should see it because everyone deserves to see and know about what is going on in other parts of the world. Actually, the only thing I can think of that should not be photographed are rituals or secret practices of certain groups. I've heard about these from movies and books, and photography should not violate people's rights to hold things private such as religious rituals. These would have to be things that people can only read about.
Everything else, like foreign scenes, and new discoveries all should be photographed for the present generation and for the future generations that will learn about it in history books.

2. Cannot be photographed? Why?
I think anything can be photographed, it just depends on how the audience interprets it. There would definitely be some topics that would be difficult to photograph, such as how the mind works/the thought process, but it's not impossible. I also think that feelings and beliefs would be hard to photograph but, again, would not be impossible.

3. You do not want to photograph? Why?
Things I would not want to photograph would mostly entail violence and war. I hate reading about these subjects in the news. I like to think that the world is a good and happy place, and reading all the bad things that are happening is depressing. Now, that may seem really naive of me, but "ignorance is bliss." Then, there would also be nothing that involves my fears such as sharks or snakes/creepy bugs. Most other topics I think would be interesting to figure out, as the photographer, a spin on the subject that will introduce the audience to a new way of looking at a subject.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Landscape Photographer — Naoya Hatakeyama

Hatakeyama was born in Japan. That was about the extent of the information I could find about his life. Although I did read that his theme is usually the relationship between people and nature. One article said that his photos are a metaphor for the relationship between humans, nature and the city.

The first photo is from a collection entitled "Slow Glass." He created a box, put his camera in it and then put a piece of glass infront of the lens. Then he took photos on rainy days so the water would stick on the glass and obscure the view of the scene. This was very interesting. I have never seen an experiment like this.

The second photo, really struck me as interesting because of the color and the kind of mystery of whether you are looking at the photo upside down or right side up. The series is titled "Water + River Shadow." To me it looks as if he took the photo under water. However, if I turn the photo upside down, it could just show the reflection of the scenery in the water. Whatever the case, it is a very intriguing photo with the ripples in the water, the color in the sides, and the above scenery/buildings that are blurred by the water.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Photography can only... (#18)

“Photography can only represent the present. Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past.” Berenice Abbott

I'm a little confused by the first sentence of this quote when he goes on to say that photography then becomes part of the past. I do believe the send part, because once a photo is taken, it does become a part of history. The photographer will most likely keep the photo and look back on it several years later. I think that the subject becomes part of the past in a photograph as well. That is what makes family memories and other memories memorable. 

I don't think that the first sentence is correct though. Photography doesn't just represent the present, but it can represent both the past and photographers can also show their representation of the the future will be like.

Landscape photography is the supreme... (#17)

“Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer—and often the supreme disappointment.” ~Ansel Adams

Portraiture is probably what most people would think is the hardest type of photography, however, landscape photography can be hard too. With portraiture, the photographer can tell the subject what to do/how to be positioned, and sometimes the subject will do stuff on their own that will produce a great photograph. However, which landscapes, that can't really happen. all the photographer has is what's in front of them. So, it is up to the photographer to come up with creative ways of photographing the landscape that will be interesting to others and will say something to them. I'm not sure if Ansel Adams is saying that it is the "supreme disappointment" to the photographer is their photos don't turn out, or if it is a disappointment to viewers. I could see it being upsetting to the photographer because it is normal to be upset when your own stuff doesn't turn out. I suppose if you were a really well known photographer and your stuff didn't turn out well, others would be disappointed.

I think photography should be provacative... (#16)

“I think photographs should be provocative and not tell you what you already know. It takes no great powers or magic to reproduce somebody's face in a photograph. The magic is in seeing people in new ways.” Duane Michals

I could not have said it better. I really do believe photography is about seeing something else than just what is on the surface. This is especially important in portraits. There should be meaning in a portrait; the audience should see some type of emotion or feeling in the photo. This can also go for landscapes; it should mean something to the audience and make them think about what the photo isn't saying right away. 

The last sentence, "The magic is in seeing people in new ways." This is definitely what makes a photo great; when it says something different than any other photograph. Not only will the photo say something about the subject, but it says something about the photographer too, because it takes creativity, and sometimes a lot of thought, to take a great photograph.

Monday, October 11, 2010


I went home this weekend, and I was flipping through some family albums when I came across the photo of the day my brother came home from the hospital. I was almost 4 and I got to hold him for the first time. Its a pretty popular photo in our family, and since my brother and I are pretty close, I thought I would recreate this photo. Then, I scanned the old photo in and placed one on top of the other to show the change in the years of the photo.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Interpretation (from 1st assignment)

Image 1: berries
The class really liked that you could just see on branch with berries, then the rest of the tree and the background is blurred out. They suggested that I try to increase the contrast between the berries and the leaves in order to make the berries really pop.

Image 2: spoons
I received a lot of positive feedback on this photo. The lighting worked really well i, and it created a great reflection of me taking the photo in the spoons. Someone noted that with my reflection, this photograph really showed the meaning of photography and the different parts of photography. The only part to change might be the contrast again between the lighting on the silverware and the background.

Image 3: capitol
This was probably the weakest photo in my collection. Most people thought the framing could be different, maybe taking out the clock tower and the power line. Again, changing the contrast in the photo might improve the photo.

Image 4: dog
The class liked this photo as well. The expression on the dog's face was very expressive and really made the photo. I'm not sure the shadows worked well in this photo. Plus, this photo probably needed a little more contrast to it like the others.

Human-Made space (#13)

I'm not sure I completely understand the meaning of "topographics," however if I have to think of a project, I would build a mountain out of garbage and compost. I'm not sure if that is a correct example of topographics, but it is my interpretation of the way human's interact with nature and land. There is so much litter and trash that people don't seem to care about. I actually believe that Apple Mountain is man made mountain. I'm not sure if it is made out of trash (doubt it), but it would be interesting to make a mountain out of trash and then make it into an entertainment for the same people who made the trash.

In-Camera Collage (#15)

The two items I would choose to collage would be my room at home in Midland, and my room in my East Lansing apartment. I think these places would really symbolize how much I've grown in the past 4 years and it would show a big step in my future. I'm not entirely sure how to do a double exposure, but once I had taken a picture of each room, I would place my room from home under my apartment room to show which place I am currently in.

Unknown vs. Familiar (#14)

I usually think that when comparing photographs, it is most affective when they are right next to each other. So, I would put a photo of the "unknown" next to a photo of the "familiar." Also to show the difference between the two, there could be a color overlay on each photograph, although I'm not sure how that would look. I'd have to experiment. Or, the lighting and exposure could be drastically different between the two to show a difference.

When I think of places that have been touched very little by humans, I immediately think of outer space in which we photograph by satellite. I think satellite photos would be very interesting to try. Plus, satellite photos are usually more affective when the audience has never seen or been to the place before.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Statements for Portrait assignment

Image 1: painting recreation
  The composition was pretty easy to set up for this photograph because I was trying to make it look the same as the actual painting. The only difference with mine is that I'm facing the opposite way, and that was simply because my light source was on the other side. The painting has a simple, one-color background, with the main focus sitting on the subject.
  I was following the prompt "portrait painting" and this was the first thing that popped in my mind. when I was researching the painting, there wasn't a lot known about the girl in the painting. So, it was sort of a mystery. However, from the clothes she is wearing, I would guess that she isn't someone from high class. What is interesting, though, is that she is wearing a pearl earring, which makes the viewer contemplate who she might be to have something that is probably very expensive. But, it is probably her gaze that is most powerful in this painting, and I'm still not sure the emotion that comes across to the viewer. 
  I only used natural lighting coming in from a window for this photograph.
  Besides it being based on a painting, I think a lot of photographers go this route in having a simple backdrop so that the focus is on the subject. I really think about pictures from middle school/high school, but a lot of professionals do these photographs as well.
  I think that this photo could represent status of women, especially during the time the painting was created, which I think was the late 1600s.

Image 2: Books
  I played around with the composition of this photo for a while. I took a lot of photos of my friend, then, I would crop it to see what I liked best. I think this was my favorite because it was different, and for some reason it just appealed to me, only seeing half of her. I also just wanted a simple lighting, so there is just light from a window shining on her. And I think the contrast of the bare wall with the books and the girl, worked out really well.
  I think my image could be taken many ways. I guess my first thought was of school. I'm taking a lot of classes, and so much of my life is consumed by studying and doing homework. So, this is the stress and everything else weighing down on people. I had found an image by Koto Bolofo that was a similar photo of Venus Williams wearing a bizarre hat and looking up at it. I think it was really affective having her look up because it created movement to the photograph. I loved the photo that Bolofo did, so I did a few things similar. Again, I had the subject looking up, and I had a simple background. I switched the cropping and the prop that was used.
  I think this photo could represent the affect of society and education. We learn things based on our environment, and based on the things we see and read. Then, we form our opinions and ideas based on what we see and read.

Image 3: Self portrait 1
  When we had researched portrait photography, my photographer was Sam Taylor-Wood. She did a composition of Crying Men, in which I really liked one of them with Daniel Craig. He was sitting in a chair and the background was out of focus. I decided to try it, but the result wasn't quite the same. I believe that my elbow is actually in focus, the rest of me is a little blurry. However, I decided I liked the result because it had a sort of soft and subtle appearance. Plus, it was only when you enlarged the photo, or got up close that you could see the imperfection, which I also liked. I experimented a lot with natural lighting for this project, so again, there is only natural lighting.
  This image was supposed to be an experiment with a self portrait. So, it I wanted just a gentle picture of me. I'm pretty easy going and not a very outgoing person, so I think this photo got that across.
  As I was experimenting, I was just trying different positions. There is a sofa chair in my apartment, so i decided to try that as a different position. That's really how I thought of this photo, plus I was trying to mimic Sam Taylor-Wood's photo.
 I think this photo could be looked at from a psychological stand point, because when I look back at this photograph, I almost look sad in the eyes. So, maybe the subject is hiding something and she doesn't want anyone to know (even though it's me :)  ).

Image 4: Self Portait 2
  This was my favorite self-portrait because I feel like it really does capture one of my characteristics. Again, I used a simple black background because I like the high contrast photos. It puts more of an emphasis on the subject. And again, I used natural lighting.
  Its not that I don't like people taking pictures of me, but that I don't like being in the spotlight. I had being put on the spot, and what makes it worse is that I'm a redhead, so I blush, which gives me away when I don't know an answer or I am embarrassed. I'm not a person who loves attention, I'm the exact opposite. So, I stuck out my hand to shield my face, but you can still see my eyes.
  I think this could relate to photographers who show emotion or action without showing a subject's face. I know there are photographers who do this, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.
  I think this photo has a political aspect to it. When there are certain conflicts going on in the world, and the US just turns their head and doesn't get involved, and that could be the same for any country.


Part II: Interpretation

Interpretation: The other people in my group thought this was a great interpretation of the actual painting "A Girl with a Pearl Earring." The key to this portrait is the gaze/the look in the eye, which others found hard to capture. However, they thought that I captured it perfectly. 
Evaluation: Again, my group thought that the facial expression I captured was great and really worked for the recreation. Things that I needed to work on or change would be the lighting. The lighting on the face was good, but it would have been nice to see the hair (I changed the photo above after my critique.) Also, if the pearl earring were more pronounced, it would have had more of an impact/focus.

Extension: We could see this image extending into a series of recreations of famous portrait paintings, or paintings by the same artist. 

Print Suggestions: It seems a little too dark, so try to lighten it up more.
Interpretation: People could see this photo being used as a book cover. There was even a suggestion that I submit it for a competition at the library for a poster (which I think I might do). And other people thought of exam week when they saw this photo; in that we have a lot of stress and pressure that is weighing down on use during that week.
Evaluation: Everyone loved the cropping that was used for the final piece and the lighting is subtle but works really well with the piece. 

Extension: Having a series of movement based around this photo would be interesting. For example, showing the subject falling over with the books sliding off her head, frame by frame.

Print Suggestions: No one could think of anything to change with this image. 

Interpretation: Since this is a self-portrait, it shows my personality: soft and kind.
Evaluation: The slight smile on my face gave a calmness to the expression and the feel of the photo which worked well. Also, it is slightly out of focus, which works well with the feel of the photo, along with the diffuse lighting reiterates the same feeling. My group suggested to try a different angle, to make the composition a little more interesting.

Extension: Maybe this could follow the prompt of shooting the same subject at different angles and maybe with different lighting. 

Print Suggestions: None.
 Interpretation: It really shows my personality, of not wanting to be in the spotlight or wanting their photograph taken. 

Evaluation: My group suggested playing around with the cropping. They thought that the hand should be more off center. Plus, it would be more interesting to have more detail and better lighting on the hand. 

Extension: This was a hard one to think of extensions for. Maybe having a series of photos that gives off the personality of the subject, but never really shows her face. 

Print suggestions: Again, just play around with the cropping

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Memory of a Photograph (#12)

I think I remember my going away party when I was moving from Texas to Michigan. The photo is in my front yard, with the moving truck in the background, and my best friends, brother, and neighbors are all in it. And my one of my friends and I were really into finding toads/frogs when I was younger, so we are each holding a toad :) Anyway, this photo really brings a smile to my face because it has all the people that I loved the most from my old home in one photograph. Even, though I have lost touch with most of the people in the photo, it was a great moment and really expressed all the fun and happy moments I had living there.

I'm not really sure that this photo would be reenacted, but I guess if it were, all of us would be older, and it probably wouldn't show as much fun energy as the other photo since most of us had lost touch. I don't think I really look that much different except that I'm a lot taller.

Memory of a Place (#11)

One of the first places that pops into my mind is my old house in Houston. We have plenty of pictures of it since I lived there for 9 years. Most are from Christmas; my brother and I opening our presents. Although, there are also really special photos of my brother coming home from the hospital for the first time. There were a lot of memories in that house.

I can still walk through the whole house in my mind as if I were still living in it. In the kitchen, I remember always sitting on the counter top of the island talking to my mom as she cooked. Then, when she made cookies, I would sit at the table and lick the beaters. I think the thing I remember most about my old house was that my parents were always remodeling. There was always a project my parents were working on. I don't think any of our walls were white. The living room was a grey/blue, the dining room was cream and forest green, my room was yellow and blue, and the dining room was cream. Now that I look back on it, it probably did look like a typical 90s house but with more color than most houses. I loved my room. It was a little small, but I had a walk in closet, a window that looked out from the front of our house. It was a pale yellow, and my mom made the blue curtains. Then, I had a fish tank in the corner sitting on my dresser. It was really cozy.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sam Taylor-Wood

By: Sam Taylor-Wood 
1. Sam Taylor-Wood did a collection of photos titled "Crying Men." She photographed famous men asking them to play a role and cry for the camera. Each role that the men are playing is different, but we know that it is all an act.  Overall, the collection shows what it looks like when Hollywood men cry. 
Taylor-Wood explains, “Some of the men cried before I even finished loading the camera, but others found it really difficult. People can decide for themselves which they think are the authentic tears and which they think are fake. It’s about the idea of taking these big, masculine men and showing a different side.”

2. This photo, and collection, stood out to me because you don't see men crying everyday. Everyone builds up the stereotype that men are big, buff, manly people who aren't suppose to show their emotion, let alone cry. This photo of Daniel Craig is just amazing to me. The main film I associate Craig with is James Bond, the sexy, arrogant, British spy. I would never think to see James Bond cry. The other photos in the collection are all of tough men you would never think to see crying, such as Sean Penn and Laurence Fishburne.

3. One reason I think its a good portrait is the composition. She uses a small aperture so that only Craig is in focus. Then, I think she does well in capturing the sadness in the photo. If I didn't know that he was acting or that he was an actor, I would believe he really was crying. Although, because its a photograph, and he is looking directly at the camera, most people would guess that it was staged, and those aren't real tears. But the collection as a whole was also an interesting idea to photograph. It is something that the public doesn't see everyday and gives them something to ponder.

I also liked photos from another collection of hers: 

All portraits are there...

“All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget. In this - as in other ways - they are the opposite of paintings. Paintings record what the painter remembers. Because each one of us forgets different things, a photo more than a painting may change its meaning according to who is looking at it.” ~John Berger

I definitely agree with the first sentence. A main reason people take photos are to remember people. The second and third sentences I disagree with. I think that painting and photography are different but not opposites. I also don't believe that paintings are just relying on what the painter remembers. Most painters are sitting directly in front of the scene they are painting. Then, they paint what they see/what stands out to them using their own style. Photographers chose what they want in the photo much the same way. Also, one photographer may have a completely different style compare to another. And I believe that any piece of art can change meaning based on who is looking at it. The first painting that pops into my head is the Mona Lisa. This is one of the most mysterious paintings. There are so many interpretations on what the woman is thinking, who the woman if, if she even is a woman... So I do believe that paintings as well as photographs can be interpreted differently. 

“You don't take a photograph, you make it.” ~Ansel Adams

I do believe that it is the photographer's "vision" that makes the photograph, but I also think that a good photograph can happen on accident. I'm not a very good photographer yet and sometimes photos that I take without having a real meaning behind it turn out really well.

However, most photography, the photographer thinks about how the subject should be standing/sitting...then the props that should also be in the photo, and what the background should be...There are so many thoughts that have to go into good photography.  And photography really is a piece of art.

My photographs

“My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph.” ~Richard Avedon

Although I do believe that portraits do express certain qualities and characteristics of the photographer, I think that portraits are mainly about the people who are being photographed. It is their expression and feelings that are trying to be expressed. I guess if the subject is being told what position to sit or model in, then it really isn't showing anything about them, but their facial expressions usually give away what they are feeling. When I got my senior portraits taken, the photographer was always saying make sure you are comfortable, when I posed. He even asked where I would normally put my hands when if I were sitting a certain way. This made it seem like a more "normal" pose or a pose that didn't look forced.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


photo by Koto Bolofo

My creation.

I loved the collections of Bolofo, especially his collection of Venus Williams. This photo was intruiguing to me because of the way it cut out part of the face/head. The face is not supposed to be the main focus of this photo, but rather the hat. Also, the way the eyes look up makes the audience follow the gaze up.
So, I thought it would be interesting to add books instead of a hat, because at our age, most people are juggling a lot of classes and other things. I think it turned out pretty well. The original is in a sepia tone, so it doesn't look quite the same, plus there isn't a shadow in the original. So I think I could have worked on the lighting in my photo more to match the original.

I just wanted to add this because I thought it was odd. The first image is from a collection by Koto Bolofo that he did of Venus Williams. So he has this photo of her on a large screen playing tennis. I was in Paris this summer and I want to the Roland Garros tennis tournament, where she played. I just happened to have this photo (bottom) and I just thought it was funny how I randomly had this photo that is really similar to his. 

Pay close attention...

Pay close attention to the types and number of photographic portraits you see in one day. Where did you see them? How do you think that the content of the portrait changes based on the context in which you see the image? What is the difference between the portraits you see on facebook vs. those on the news? What is the difference between the "viewpoint" of the photographer in each situation? What is the difference between their "intents"?

I guess I usually see portraits in the newspapers, magazines, and on social media sites during the day. In some photos, one can tell from the subject's expression that he/she is happy or the feelings that were going on when the photo was taken. Sure, it does help to have some context before I see photographs. Sometimes I see a really random picture on facebook. However, after I see some of the other photos in their album, the photo doesn't seem quite so random.

On facebook, photos are usually full on or a silly candid picture. Facebook photos usually have a fun atmosphere to them. In the news, the subject is usually more serious, therefore there are more serious pictures. Of course, it also depends on the newspaper. The local paper's usually don't have that great of photographers compared to the New York Times. Also, in the newspaper, the photographer is usually photographing things that are not related to them. So, the photographer is usually on the "outside" of the situation and their intent is to show an event that is happening the world. Plus, these photographs usually have meaning to more than just the photographer, but all the viewers. On Facebook, the photographer is usually in the situation and it is usually with their friends/family. It is also just the photographer and people in the photo who care about it and who will see it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When is it beneficial, ethical, or appropriate to digitally alter photographic portraits? When do you think it is inappropriate or ethically wrong?

I wish I were photography came naturally to me and I every picture I took always looked amazing. However, my photos don't always have the correct lighting or exposure and basically don't look as good as I had imagined. So, in my opinion, photos can be digitally altered if it is trying to get a different effect that the lens originally used couldn't do. I also think that most of the time the raw/original photo looks cooler and has more to it than meets the eye. Now, portraits are a different thing. I would like to say that I think that portraits should not be digitally altered because it is how the person actually looks. However, for my senior pictures I liked the digitally altered images, plus if I don't like a photo that I'm in because of my skin or something, I would like to go in and change it.
Sometimes, the way the skin or the portrait is displayed holds the entire meaning of the photo. So, then it would inappropriate to change.

"I just think it's important..."

"I just think its important to be direct and honest with people about why you're photographing them and what you're doing. After all, you are taking some of their soul." ~Mary Ellen Mark

I have mixed feelings about this quote. I think some of the best photographs are candid. If you always tell the subjects that you are photographing them, then they are prepared for the photos. It will turn out completely different then if it were completely candid. Just the other day I was looking at the famous photo of V J Man in Times Square where a sailor kisses a nurse in Times Square at the end of WWII. I was reading that it was totally candid, and the sailor was just going around kissing random women because he was so happy about the war ending. This is one of the most famous photographs and it wouldn't have had the same affect if it weren't candid. However, maybe they should be told after the photo is taken, because I do think that people want to know who is taking photos of them. I'm not sure if a photographer is "taking some of their soul." That is an exaggeration to me, but photos do last a lifetime and more. Plus, emotion and feelings are portrayed in photos which can be considered part of people's "soul."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Final Photos with statements

While I was walking around campus on a sunny day, I came across this berry tree. The berries looked really pretty in the sunlight and there were so many berries just dangling on the branches My emphasis was on the one brand and bunch of berries that are in focus. I knew it wouldn't be as cool of a composition if I just photographed all of the berries together, so I decided to focus on a grouping of them. I used a small aperture and a low shutter speed since there was plenty of natural lighting.
This image could relate to an environmental issue such as non-processed foods; maybe focusing on eating organic foods.

This image was supposed to represent chaos, so I wanted the subjects to go outside of the frame. Chaos to me means unorganized, sporadic, and jumbled. I thought the composition turned out pretty close to what I pictured. To get this angle, I stood directly over it. I think this angle shows the reflection of the silverware as well as gets across a chaotic feel.
The concept for this photo came to me with the prompt of "chaos". After brainstorming about the prompt, I realized that silverware would be the perfect subject because it displayed the prompt but wasn't too literal. It was during the day that I shot this photo, and the lighting from the nearby window fell perfectly on the silverware. I suppose that this image could relate to the issue of the roles of housewives.

This image is of the capital building in Lansing. It was actually a series of pictures that I took using my zoom lens. However, it was the furthest away photo that turned out the best. I wanted to show the life/area around the capital so the audience could see the atmosphere around the building. Compositionally, I like I like how I centered the capital, and there are more of the business buildings on the left, but on the right are the old-fashioned lamp posts. So, one see's different sides of the city. I drive down this street every day for work, and I thought it would make a great photo.
I think this image could relate to the topic of the effects of politics on a community.

 This image I couldn't help but love (even though my dog looks so sad). For the composition, I decided to put him off center to make it more interesting. Although I wish he were on the other side, since his head is pointing to the right. The lighting is interesting in this photo. I'm not sure if I like it, but I' not sure if it could have been any better. The shadow is from my house, and I don't think it would have turned out the same or had the same tone if he were completely in sunlight. To create this image I was following my dog around the house and outside while I was trying to experiment with different angle and placement.
I think this image could relate to the topic of animal abuse since it does have a darker, sad tone.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

“Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be.”~Duane Michals

To me, this quote is saying that photos only show the "outside" of a person/scene, or the first impression of a person/scene, but they can't show the true emotions or feelings of person or know what is really going on. If this is what Michals is saying, then I disagree. Sure I believe that viewers can't know for sure what is going on, but that is what makes photography great; the viewers make their own assumptions and it makes them think. I think a photo can say it all. Some things may be up for interpretation, but that is also the mystery of photography. There could be more going on than the viewer first sees.

I think that emotion and feelings can be portrayed in the expressions of the subjects, but there are so many elements of photography that could change the meaning of the photo completely. For example, the lighting,  position of the subjects, or the colors can make a difference and reveal a lot to the audience.

“If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera.” ~Lewis Hine

I agree with this quote. I believe a story is always stronger with images that go along with it. I have always been a visual person, so it becomes easier to understand a situation or story when I can actually see it. In a story, there are always some things that are better left unsaid, but implied. It allows the readers/viewers to make assumptions on their own. For example, say a guy liked a girl. Instead of the story coming out and saying that he liked her, the photo would be of him looking at her while she laughs with some friends. His look should say everything to the viewer. 

There are situations where words become important to reveal the story. The only case I can think of where words could reveal things that a photo couldn’t, may be thoughts. For example, if someone is trying to devise a plan in his head to rob a bank, that might be a little hard to get across in a photo, and words would become a key component in this situation. 

Sunday, September 5, 2010


My task this week was to recreate a photo by Philippe Halsman entitled "Salvador Dali". The photo is one of a collection of photos taken by Halsman that represented Dali. Halsman did many pieces focusing on Dali's mustache, which was his trademark. Since his mustache was famous, I decided to create 4 photos where the mustache showed the expression. So, there is happy, pensive, angry, and sad. 
